Telling Our Story Through a Podcast

We want to share a conversation between KCI President Jeff Krakoff and Darin Vilano on his newly produced “Proprietors of Pittsburgh” podcast. 

This podcast features small business owners throughout the region, providing an opportunity to tell stories to inspire other current and prospective entrepreneurs.

What we really like about Darin’s approach to his podcast is that he only provides a general idea of topics he wants to discuss rather than supplying a list of questions for which to prepare. Because of this, no notes were used, and the roughly half-hour discussion was just a conversation between two people. Both host and guest could just talk without being so concerned about having the perfect question and the perfect answer. 

Jeff talks about how he became an “accidental entrepreneur,” the value of recognizing opportunities that may not be so clear, what he hopes to accomplish in the PR class he teaches at University of Pittsburgh and what it’s like to work with his son Josh. The main theme is to “bet on yourself” when making career decisions.

We hope you enjoy the discussion.


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