Control Your Narrative: The Benefits of Working with an Agency
Communication is a broad field. Encompassing marketing, public relations, advertising, graphic design, website creation, social media and more, there’s no wonder why hiring one in-house person is difficult or near impossible.
Breaking Down This Year’s Super Bowl Ads
See our staff's take on the latest Super Bowl ads.
Spotlight on an Urban Senior Village: The Jewish Association on Aging
After hearing Jeff Krakoff present a workshop on issues and crisis communications earlier in the year, leadership from The Jewish Association on Aging (JAA) reached out to Krakoff Communications, Inc. (KCI) to inquire about support for a major announcement in the fall at its annual meeting.
Three Takeaways from ‘Steering Your Brand Through Social and Political Turbulence’
KCI President Jeff Krakoff was part of the thought-provoking panel, “Steering Your Brand Through Social and Political Turbulence,” co-hosted by the American Marketing Association Pittsburgh chapter, and AAF Pittsburgh & Ad 2 Pittsburgh. Others from the KCI team were in the audience.
KCI Has Been Busy with Website Projects
We’ve been very busy with multiple website projects over the past several months. We want to highlight three that recently went live or added functionality.
Telling Our Story Through a Podcast
We want to share a conversation between KCI President Jeff Krakoff and Darin Vilano on his newly produced “Proprietors of Pittsburgh” podcast.
Celebrating 30 Years at Krakoff Communications (and a Phone Call That Changed My Life)
April 1, 2023 is the 30th anniversary of Krakoff Communications. Here is the story of how Krakoff Communications from the last 30 years.
5 Social Media Marketing Trends
We all know that social media algorithms and trends are fluid and in a constant state of flux. We wanted to share five important social media marketing trends:
The History of the Blog
Blogging is one of the best ways to generate fresh content. This tactful strategy to create relationships has as short yet developing history of the blog.
Is Your Message House in Order?
Develop a message house that includes your overall narrative and declarative statements for who you are, what you do and what makes you different.